
Overview of AggieWorks Products

<aside> 🐮 AggieExchange (link to website) AggieExchange is the trusted online marketplace exclusively for UC Davis students. Whether you're looking for something specific or have something to sell, our platform allows you to connect with fellow Aggies to ensure every exchange is safe, secure, and in tune with the campus community.


<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Clubly (link to Figma prototype*) ****Explore UC Davis clubs effortlessly with Clubly. Our platform enables quick and easy discovery of all the student organizations that our campus has to offer, connecting you to the communities that align with your interests in seconds.

*Please note: this is just a prototype. You will not be able to perform certain actions, so use this to get a general feel of the product and functionality.


<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> RoomU (link to landing page with downloads links) RoomU simplifies the roommate search. Designed exclusively for UC Davis students, our platform emphasizes safety and compatibility. Discover fellow Aggies who match your lifestyle and preferences, ensuring that every match feels just right.



As a product manager, a key aspect of your role involves analyzing user pain points, identifying growth opportunities with current products, and ideating ways to improve them.

Your challenge is to select an existing AggieWorks product and develop a slide deck that effectively highlights the potential pain points experienced by users, prioritizing them to inform potential enhancements and strategic decisions for the product's development.

Please prepare a slide deck that addresses the following:

  1. Intro: Introduce your chosen AggieWorks product with a one-liner that addresses what it is and what value it has based on the given background.
  2. User Personas and Product Improvements (1-3 slides): a) Based on your research on your chosen product, create user personas for the product as you see fit.

b) Based on your personas and general observations, list 3 things that you’d improve about the product. For each, provide brief context on the problem and why it’s important. 3. Improvements (1-3 slides): a) Pick the one of your three improvement areas to focus on and explain your reasoning on why/how you prioritized this improvement over others (examples could include: user needs, trends, long-term product vision, etc.).

b) Define a new feature/piece of functionality to serve as a solution. Illustrate your feature/functionality above with notes and one or multiple mockups. Your answer should outline how your solution will work, what it’ll look like, and (if applicable) why it would work better than the existing solution. - Note: We are looking for clear and simple communication of your ideas, and do not expect high-definition mockups. 4. Analytics (1-2 slides): How would you measure success of the feature/functionality you implemented? What quantitative/qualitative metrics would you track and why? - Please specify what your North Star Metric — the overarching metric that defines your long-term success. Why is this metric the most important one? What insights does this metric help indicate? 5. Conclusion: Sum up your presentation.

Note: The listed number of slides are merely a suggestion. Please feel free to adjust your presentation as you see fit, but keep the final presentation to 12 slides max.
