
The Business Development role in AggieWorks owns a product’s growth. This means they are responsible for the initial customer acquisition (0 → 50 users, 50 → 500 users, etc.) and maintaining active relationships with existing users.

For context, this role works closely ****with two major players within the product team:

Our Products and Your Role

AggieWorks operates like a startup in many ways. Paul Graham famously said to grow a product, you have to “do things that don’t scale.”


Example Responsibilities

<aside> 🐮 AggieExchange (link to website) AggieExchange is the trusted online marketplace exclusively for UC Davis students. Whether you're looking for something specific or have something to sell, our platform allows you to connect with fellow Aggies to ensure every exchange is safe, secure, and in tune with the campus community.


<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Clubly (link to Figma prototype*) ****Explore UC Davis clubs effortlessly with Clubly. Our platform enables quick and easy discovery of all the student organizations that our campus has to offer, connecting you to the communities that align with your interests in seconds.

*Please note: this is just a prototype. You will not be able to perform certain actions, so use this to get a general feel of the product and functionality.


<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> RoomU (link to landing page with downloads links) RoomU simplifies the roommate search. Designed exclusively for UC Davis students, our platform emphasizes safety and compatibility. Discover fellow Aggies who match your lifestyle and preferences, ensuring that every match feels just right.


Read more about how winning startups acquired their first 1,000 users →


Record a short Loom video qualifying a lead for an AggieWorks product and develop a tailored pitch based on the lead’s profile.



  1. Find a potential customer/user (lead) for either of the following products. Feel free to utilize social media, Discord, DavisWiki, or any other channel to source your lead.
    1. AggieExchange → someone who would be interested in selling on the platform
    2. Clubly → a club that would benefit from Clubly’s search functionality
  2. Record a Loom video (max 5 minutes) detailing:
    1. Your analysis of why they could be a future customer and their benefit from using the product (lead qualification) and how/where you found this lead
    2. a pitch to the club/person/business about why they should use the product (using the evidences from your analysis)